Excellence in Education: Putting Love at the Forefront For me school was tough, especially grades 5-10. My social-emotional, behavioral and traumatic life experiences made academics and school challenging. From late elementary through 10th grade, I was a lost student who hid behind a metaphorical mask. I was the target of bullying. I was depressed and even suicidal. Like many students, I didn’t fit nicely into a square box. I didn’t feel loved at home or school. I believe that love should be part of our everyday vocabulary at school. It can be transformational. Students need to feel loved*. I think of a couple of students with whom I worked a couple of years ago. One, I’ll call him John, seemed to be a very angry and aggressive student. As a transfer from another school, we were forewarned about him. He was very confrontational with teachers and even friends. Each day, I tried to connect with him, and truth be told it wasn’t always easy. He seemed distrustful. He did...