Teacher Expectations in Purposeful Actions

 Excellence in Education

At this week’s PLC/faculty meetings, we are going to be sure to celebrate all the super actions you have taken to make virtual learning awesome for our scholars in 5 domains. This is from Corwin/Visible Learning Group and some of the bullets are from their document and others are ones that I have filled in.


If you'd like to work on yours in advance, here’s the link (forced copy) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g11Gz0bi1iuRQX9IgB0vm7zvoiJFfhWDfj24LBcdXII/copy 

Teacher Empathy 

How do students seek connections with teachers?

  • Begin class with positive affirmations (jokes, quotes, stories, etc)
  • Student emotional or academic check-ins (temperature/pulse takers)


Unconditional Positive Regard

How do students know teachers care about them as people? 

  • Include specific student interests in lessons
  • Use voice feedback (Mote is great for Google) so students can hear your enthusiasm
  • Recognitions and rewards  


How will students know teachers care about themselves as a professional?

  • Dress and conduct as professionals
  • Maintain high expectations for students and self  


How will students know teachers hold their abilities in high regard? 

  • Hold individual conversations with students to help them identify their strengths, goals and growth areas
  • Ask questions that mediate the student’s thinking, rather than ask leading questions
  • Use shared decision-making with students  

Encouragement of Critical Thinking

Are students asked critical thinking questions?

  • Foster discussion among peers using questions that open up their thinking
  • Every lesson includes opportunities for students to write about, illustrate, or discuss their thinking with peers
  • Build choice and relevance into assignments and projects


Ramadan in Brief

  • This year, Ramadan is from April 2 to May 2.
  • It is the lunar month of observance and spiritual discipline for practicing Muslims who practice self-restraint.
  • Self-restraint is shown by fasting from dawn until dusk; this is especially true for those who have reached puberty. This means no food and no water.
  • It is a time for introspection and prayer. It honors Muhammad, the final prophet of Islam, receiving the initial revelations of the Quran, the holy book for Muslims, from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel.
  • Observance often involves prayers late into the night and late night prayers are often followed by waking up before sunrise to eat.
  • Muslim students may be tired, hungry, dehydrated in your classes.
  • Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
  • In Arabic, Islam means “submission” to God.

A More Detailed Explanation

The following comes from Dr. Sawsan Jaber, NBCT

April 2nd, 2022 marks the first day of Ramadan for Muslims around the world.  The 9th month of the lunar calendar, Ramadan is not a holiday by Islamic standards; it is a holy month of worship.  Muslim students in our classrooms will be fasting from dawn to sunset (about 5:40 am-7:00pm depending on the region they reside in); they cannot consume anything (water, medicine, food, etc.).  For Muslims, Ramadan is much more than abstaining from food and drink.  It is a month that exemplifies the Islamic values of gratitude, strengthening bonds of kinship, spirituality, and maximizing acts of charity.   Because Ramadan is a time of spiritual discipline, students may be spending a lot more time in mosques performing extra prayers.  Taraweeh is a special prayer that Muslims pray during Ramadan after they break their fast; some students will attend special prayers until late hours in the night (11:00 pm).  Qiyam is also an optional practice of spending the night in worship until the early hours of the morning prayer, before sunrise (about 5:40 am).  Many mosques do collective Qiyam enabling communities to worship together through the night.  This is especially prevalent during the last ten days of Ramadan, the holiest days of the month.  Muslims believe that the Quran (the Islamic holy book) was revealed during the last ten days of Ramadan; they are some of the holiest days of the Islamic calendar.  Additionally, during Ramadan, Muslims abstain from smoking, physical intimacy, as well as all things considered “bad deeds” like lying or hurting others.  They are encouraged to donate to those in need as an act of appreciation for the blessings they have; it is a month of generosity and giving.  

Some things leaders in educational spheres should keep in mind during Ramadan:

  1. Islam is a faith and Muslims come from a variety of ethnic and racial backgrounds.  Often Arab and Muslim are used to identify individuals interchangeably and synonymously.  This is a misconception since Arabs can adopt any faith and Muslims can be from anywhere.  Sometimes those identities intersect, but that is not always the case.  Work to identify Muslim students in your school and remember, some may not look like the stereotypical Muslims represented in the media.
  2. Students will probably not have the stamina to do rigorous physical or mental work, especially for the first week until their bodies adjust to their new diet.  They may also be tired because if they are trying to make the most out of the month; they are probably spending a lot more time in the mosque. Homework may be a barrier to the spiritual journey of some students.  Encouraging students to complete their homework during lunch times and other allotted times during the school day, if they are able, can relieve some of those tensions.
  3. Some people are excused from fasting.  People who are traveling, children before the age of puberty, girls on their menstrual cycle, pregnant women, the elderly, and people who are sick and require medication throughout the day are examples of groups of people not required to fast.  Instead, they are required to feed a poor person for every day they are not able to fast in Ramadan.  So if you see a Muslim student eating, they may be excused from fasting for one reason or another.
  4. Research has shown extensively that students do not want to be the teachers.  Avoid asking your students to teach you or their peers about Ramadan.  Below are some links you can share with your students should you choose to discuss this in your class as a way of raising awareness and helping students develop empathy and understanding for their Muslim peers during this month. I am also happy to make  ‘guest appearances’ if students have questions and my schedule permits.  The ideal learning happens when educators work to create brave spaces throughout the year where all students are comfortable sharing the intersections of their identities and their lived experiences regularly.
  5. Ramadan is 29 or 30 days depending on the cycle of the moon.  The first three days after Ramadan mark the first of two Islamic holidays in the year, Eid Al-Fitr.  Eid is a huge celebration that begins with a morning prayer at the mosque.  Because Muslims are not monolithic, Eid celebrations look different from country to country, community to community, and family to family.  Usually Eid is a time to gather, eat together, and gift each other. I usually begin my day celebrating with a cup of coffee in the morning!
  6. Even if you have no Muslim students in your classes, talk to your students about Ramadan to help them understand and appreciate the diversity that exists in our world.  Understanding groups of people who have historically been “othered” is the first step to humanizing each other and building appreciation through knowledge.
  7. During the month of Ramadan, schools should provide Muslim students with the option of spending their lunch period in a separate space so that they do not have to be in spaces where other students are eating if they choose that as an alternative.  Many students would appreciate a place where they will have the option to nap, read Quran, or do whatever they need to help them recharge for their day.  
  8. Muslims do not celebrate Ramadan, they observe it.  You can wish them a Ramadan Mubarak during Ramadan and an Eid Mubarak on Eid. Mubarak means full of blessings.

If you read this email in its entirety, I appreciate you and your efforts to understand and work to include all of our students.  Including them through empathy, understanding, and celebrating their pluralism is the best way to show them that we care about them and honor, appreciate, and celebrate who they are and what they bring to our community.  

        I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have or guide you toward resources that can answer your questions (@SJEducate).  
Dr. Sawsan Jaber, NBCT


Mindful Message


We are responsible for our actions and our reactions.

Share a time where you took responsibility for your action/reaction.

Why is it sometimes more difficult to be responsible for our reactions?

When do you let your reactions get the better of you?


Talent only gets you so far.

Can you think of an example of your tenaciousness and perseverance.


I am who I want to be.

Who are you?

How would you describe yourself to a new student in our class?

What are you proud of?


In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Is kindness the most important characteristic to be? If not, what is?

What are ways that you can be kind?  

How can you always be kind?


You don’t have to be perfect to be amazing.

Why is it dangerous to try to be perfect?

What are ways that society expects perfection? What are the consequences of this.

What makes you amazing?

Who is the most amazing person you know?

Elementary Announcements

Monday https://youtu.be/Sb2j56MhNjw

Tuesday https://youtu.be/M64ReUYDEqU 

Wednesday https://youtu.be/jEmTCSKuLxk 

Thursday https://youtu.be/tONK-YAnMRc 

Friday https://youtu.be/U2wAsE46ilU 

Secondary Announcements

Monday https://youtu.be/_nLa3Y9x2jA 

Tuesday https://youtu.be/6eH7xDtGeIU 

Wednesday https://youtu.be/Sis6drwA_cU 

Thursday https://youtu.be/8BPo8QVJyak 

Friday https://youtu.be/RfunlfC8_yM 

Middle School Advisory

Grade and Goal Setting Checks

Have students write/create a certificate of achievement to themselves (Word and Google have certificate templates); this can be for whatever they wanted. You could also have them write several for different parts of their life or create a certificate for others as well.

All staff information

Bright Arrow/Bright Chat

On Monday at 8am, I’m sending out the 2nd set of directions for families to download the BrightChat Messaging App. Please remember to send out a BrightChat message this week. It can be as simple as “I wish everyone a great spring break.”

Here’s the BrightArrow/BrightChat Information

BrightArrow is now available for you to use to email families (and students/upper elementary). The difference between using it and PowerSchool and Schoology is that 1) it pulls from the electronic notifications contact list; 2) it provides translation (click the translate button).

AVS BrightArrow Teacher Pilotand Recording https://drive.google.com/file/d/13VYMzNxnWi17tcOGqjnrQ_8GnqA3M3VD/view?usp=sharing 

BrightChat is similar to Remind. It send a text message to families and allows for two-way communication through the app. The app must be downloaded by families for 2 way communication. Using BrightChat also sends an email (we think).

In all honesty, there’s a lot we don’t know about this program so we’re really going to be learning much from you. But our LTI’s and sissupport@k12albemarle.org are here to support you with it.

No homework should be assigned over spring break. This is an ACPS policy.

Over spring break, I will be emailing students/families about their SOL dates.

Mental Wellness: Remind yourself of your purpose as a teacher–why you became a educator. You each have done amazing things this year. You’ve overcome challenges beyond your control. Even in the toughest times, you’ve found the positives, no matter how small (no line for the bathroom during class changes!). How have you fulfilled and realized  your vision this year?

Secondary Information

Friday marks the end of the 3rd marking period. Again, this is more symbolic as MP grades are not averaged any more but we will want to be able to say, “your child’s 3rd quarter grade is ____” Let’s have 3Q grades updated by Friday after spring break.

Elementary Information

Student-led Conferences: If you would like to use either of these:

Student Debrief

Parent Homework

Display of grades & report card data will be disabled in ParentPortal until April 24. Please have comments AND grades entered by April 24. Please also as if your students’ families have access to ParentPortal. Families who do not should email or call Rose Schindler(rschindler@k12albemarle.org) or me (434-244-8900).


PALS: May 9-20

EMAS: April 11-May 20

CBRS: April 11-May 20


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