Thank You and Motivational Message

 Thank You

I hope that each of you are able to take a step away from work on Wednesday. Over the past several months, you have answered emails at all hours of the day,  spent hours preparing lessons for new subjects and a new way of teaching. This is more than a job.  

I greatly appreciate each of you. I know each of you are worried about your students and feel responsible for their learning and well-being. You continue to reach out to students and families. You remain positive and uplifting in the face of challenging situations.

I am forever grateful to each of you. You have amazed me with your commitment and compassion.

When we first came together in August, we chose grace as our one word. Author Max Lucado said, Grace is the voice that calls us to change then gives us the power to pull it off.

Your practice, persistence and passion have amazed me. I am grateful to each of for what you have provided each of our 375 children. With love and appreciation, Reed...

An Eye-Opening Video and a Reminder

This video was shared with me (it’s worth watching the entire video but the link will take you to the 3:15 mark). As I watched the video, I was reminded of the following:

  • Students must know that the teacher cares about them and this goes beyond gentle nurturing.
  • Students must know that the teacher believes they are capable and has high expectations.
  • Only when those 2 conditions are met will students rise to the highest level of expectations. 

Your work does matter. Your students, especially those of color, economically disadvantaged, special education students and others who are disenfranchised and typically disengaged, cannot succeed without you.

*PS I shared with WAHS teachers last year.



Per ACPS School Board Policy, homework should not be assigned over Thanksgiving break.

Culturally Responsive Teaching Modules are coming up in the months of November and December.  Participation in these modules are required for those pursuing CRT credentialing, and strongly recommended for all other staff as a way to increase understanding and application around culturally responsive teaching.

To find out more about and register for these PD offerings from the Office of Community Engagement, including CRT modules offered this month, check out the “Upcoming Internal PD” listings on the ACPS Professional Development site.

The International & ESOL Program and Department of Technology will host their next Multilingual Family Technology Support Night on Tuesday, November 30, from 5 to 6 p.m. We will learn how the BrainPOP ELL and Co:Writer programs can help grow students’ literacy skills. We will have Arabic, Dari, and Spanish interpretation. No RSVP is needed and the Zoom link is included in the event flyers (below).

Middle School Advisory

Tuesday’s Middle School Advisory Lesson

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